Christ-style valentine

February 14 is the day to look forward to many people especially the youth. Many of the young people who prepare everything from a distance since the day just to celebrate what is called the valentine day. They prepare exceptional gifts, chocolates, dolls or something else which is perfect given to indulge their partner to express his affection in this Valentine's Day. It is a tradition in Indonesia today. In France there is a unique tradition on Valentine's Day. The naked into the house and each other, and start calling each other from one window to another window and paired with someone of their choosing. If a man does not like her partner she would leave this woman. Furthermore, there is a bonfire
event in which a woman who left will burn the image of this man and shouted makiannya. Because this event requires a lot of space and sometimes misused, the French government no longer set the event to call the couple valentine. Many other valentine traditions of various countries which can be found here. But whether it is willed by God? How valentine by Christ? Let us learn together about the Valentine-style Christ.

1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love, she does not know God, because God is love." Mentioned that God is love, so from the beginning God has taught us love. There are 4 from the Greek meaning of love, Agape is the first grace of Christ given to us believers. Both Eros is love looking statements based on lust. Third Philea is love as a friend. Fourth storge is the love of parents to their children.

We should emulate the attitude of Jesus who loves us with all His heart, because it is what Jesus is agape love. He taught us to love one another to anyone even to our enemies, Matthew 5:44 "But I say unto you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Concerning all, we love to someone who either to us or to our enemies. Luke 6:27-36, when we slapped the left cheek then we also give us the right cheek, that means we should love those who hurt us and pray for him. If we are faithful to love our enemies and pray for him then eventually they will turn away from evil deeds who liked us to be good to us. Stone is hard when drops of water on an ongoing basis it will be perforated, too. When first he did not have love we will not be saved. And maybe me or you will not read this. Because Jesus was thinking about the long-term impact, he's willing to sacrifice himself for man, when he suffered was so in the future will be good for the human impact of salvation from death. Valentine-style Christ is agape love, love without expectation of reward. Let us learn to use a valentine with agape love as did Christ.

Happy Valentine, Jesus Love You Full.

(Sunday morning worship GPDI Alpha Omega 140 210)

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